Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day Thirteen

Day Thirteen! Wow, I'm shocked I made it so far and look forward to celebrating two weeks tomorrow. The longer I do this the easier it becomes. It's funny how your focus changes from all the things you can eat to other things you could be doing. It takes about half an hour to juice everything but sometimes I do extra so I won't have to juice again till the next day. I have been doing my basic juice with some add ins. This morning was watermelon juice with zucchini and stevia to taste. I'm trying to get all the watermelon I can before the season is gone :(
 I've also purchased several pineapples to use over the next week or so. They're  cheaper right now and give a lot of juice. Last time I mixed it with cucumber, zucchini and lemon and it was sooo delicious. I added water to thin it a little and of course stevia.
 On to the detox symptoms. I have had several days of late day headaches and a lot of tiredness. My husband has been great and letting me get to bed around eight o'clock. I have noticed that all of my muscles are much more relaxed and loose. I know it's from being grain free. Before they were hard and tight. My chiropractor had said it was like trying to adjust a table.
I have been having some mucus in the morning and evening recently. When I have been dairy free before that had gone away completely. I thought I had allergies to seasonal stuff, but it was just the dairy. Dairy is very mucus causing not only in your sinus' but also in the gut.
I have also noticed some aching in my joints and in past injuries which I here is normal during this kind of detox. I hurt my ankle 15 years ago and really haven't ever had any issues except it being a little wobbly. It's been more sensitive and hurting at night. 
Several cool things have been, my face and neck have lost weight. My husband commented the other day. I have noticed loss in my waist, hips and feet. I'm on the tail end of my cycle so I should start to lose more soon. I was down another pound yesterday. I think this will really start to improve soon.
It is more expensive sometimes to juice depending on what I juice. On my watermelon days it's only about six dollars for one from the store. I've stripped down my garden using everything to juice and have been really happy doing it. Sometimes in the past I have thrown some stuff out or had to give it away so it wouldn't go bad. Juicing may be something I do every summer to use up produce and lose those extra winter pounds. After this juice feast I may do a green smoothie feast to transition into whole foods again. 

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